Troubleshooting MiGA AWS

Terminal is Disconnected

The instance will continue running until you stop or terminate it. Your terminal's connection to the instance, however, may be automatically terminated after a period of inactivity. If this happens, you can simply log back in (substitute <keypair file> with the actual file name and <public IP address> with the actual address):

cd  # To take you to your home directory.
ssh -i .ssh/<keypair file> ubuntu@<public IP address>

Any jobs running when the terminal was disconnected, however, will be lost. For this reason, any important jobs should be run in a tmux session. See the Long Running Projects section below.

MiGA-Web is Disconnected

If your browser's connection to MiGA-Web is terminated and the MiGA web server is still running, you can reconnect by re-entering http://<public IP address>:8080 into your browser's URL bar. If this does not work, it is likely that the MiGA web server has stopped. In this case, log into the instance using a terminal or the Session Manager and restart the server. Log in the usual way:

ssh -i .ssh/<keypair file> ubuntu@<public IP address>

The web server is less likely to stop if it is started in a tmux session. Begin a tmux session named web-server by entering:

tmux new -s web-server

You may of course use a different name if you wish. A green bar will appear across the bottom of the screen indicating that you are in a tmux session. Then enter:

cd /miga-web/
export SECRET_KEY_BASE='bundle exec rake secret'  
bundle exec rails server -e production -b -p 8080 Puma

Exit the tmux session with Ctrl-B d. The server will continue to run even after you close the session manager or log out and close the terminal.

Last updated